~Heaven and Soul~: July 2006

Monday, July 31, 2006


First i heard from my mother that the one i went to job with had told her about someone that thought i was cute and wondered if i was single. She told my mother about it not me -_- so i heard it from mum and then i got my hopes up and thought it was that cute boy i like a bit 'cause he was thai and i couldnt think of another one -_- and i think we have a lil something going on between us, but i as usual try to be as far away from persons i like and ignore them as much as i can -_- yes i know i have problem with stuff like that, im 18 and havent had a singel boyfriend it might have something to do with it and the fact that i live in sweden and think they dont want a foreigner and yeah, lack of selfesteem eheh and yesterday another one that works there told my brother about it and then he tells me, why do they tell everyone but me? So today i had to find out who it really was, if it was him or not, man i really wanted it to be him... i think i like him... Anyway at the end of the day i finally got to see my admirer and i really said eeeww. hahaha yeah it was a 27 year old and not so good looking fella... i was really disappointed eheh.

I havent felt good this whole day, mentally... Yesterday when i worked, yes i worked yesterday too, money money, anyways, when he told me where to go well he was normal and that, it was just job talk and that but when i talked to him he turned his face into a smile, not just to be nice, dont think so but it was like he was so glad that i talked to him... and then on the breakfast break he jokinlgy poked me in the arm and another time when i went to take a roller thing he looked and me and jokingly laughed. Hahahaha i like his voice, it's so ugly, as ugly as mine XD, yes i've been hearing imitations on my voice and it doesnt sound pretty. Yeah back to business, today we've been ignoring eachother the whole day, i really want to talk to him but i dunno what to say and he's been avoiding me when i look at him... what is this? Does he like me or is he like me, avoid the people they like, nah i think im the only one that is like that, i heard that he's single NOW and that mean he has dated and yeah... I feel like a big loser, never dated anyone geez -_-
I've been down all day, it really doesnt feel good to ignore someone you like although i've been doing that a lot of times already... I talked to Becca about it and she said oouuh first time in three years i dont know how many times XD, she said i should put on some moves. eerrr right how? i've never done that before XD

my heart broke when i knew it wasn't him...

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Crawley kids in a tilgate park


Wednesday, July 26, 2006

cold inside hot outside

it's cold in the chicken factory but as soon as i quit work and have to walk outside the door the friggin heat hit my face.

One question, how do you ask someone for gasmoney? It's so awkward! Another person wanted to go with my ride and sure ofcourse i let him, but there's one problem, he havent asked about how much to pay me and yes he's gonna go with me til i quit there... Uum you know you have to pay me... I cant say that! XD i cant ask someone for money like that, that person should know it...

And yes im gonna work on sunday this week too XD. I got there in the office and applied for it... took me three days to make up my mind if i was gonna work sunday again. Hope it will be as relaxing as it was last sunday, didnt have to do much then and no one seemed to care to be there in time, but it's like that on the daytime too now, just because those are on vacation XD aaah that's good ;P

Oouh got my salary yesterday but got rid of a lot already -_-", 1000 for my brother for the dancepad, 2000 for the cellphone i ordered and 1000 to my dad to be a good daughter XD. My mum was supposed to get 1000 too but she said that i didnt have to, that cellphone she paid half of it :P aww thanks. Im not gonna use money in a long time...

omg it's close, im gonna start my studies again soon! 1/9 XD well it is soon! And im gonna go look at the new city and find the way to the university from my home so i can walk or take the bike there everyday ^^

tata gotta go out and fill some gas in the car!

Saturday, July 22, 2006


Have a lot to think about, moving out, change address, get loan, apply for living contribution kind of thing, calculate my income for the year, find the place im gonna live in, find the university, blablalbla

it's raining outside, good if it rains ones in a while...

Hahaha my mom washed my brothers cellphone... again, it's the second one she destroyed XD She yelled at him saying he doesnt take his cellphone out and blablalba XD. Hmm is it more his fault than hers? Well well XD

Im starting my studies 1/9 but the introduction is from 30/8-31/8 and before that, the 29th it's a so called nollning where new students and the old ones get to know eachother and hang out and stuff. I think im gonna go on it ^^, dont want to be left behind with the socialation :/ although i dont really feel like partying and stuff like that :/

the work is going alright, although some are really icky, they pick up chicken from the floor and put it back. And they even put up a note saying that all products that have touched the floor shall be thrown away.
Man you really get strong arms from the work, i can really feel it in my arms O_o

Monday, July 17, 2006

haha im gonna work sunday

Gonna earn cash!! In the beginning i couldnt think of working sundays too but im not tired anymore and well i wake up at five in the weekends too so what tha heck, CASH ยงยง!!

HHahaa i made a ball out of chicken pieces today and showed it to a girl at work, she thought i was hiding stuff inside or under the ball and lifted it up and destroyed my ball XD HAhahhaha i laughed my ass out, she looked so funny when lifting it XD. I shouted NOoo you destroyed my ball!! But after that i built a bigger one XD. wanted to leave it for the ones working after us but i threw it away, hahaha dont want to be put as childish XD although i am watching sailor moon super s now XD. I just love sailor moon no matter how old im getting XD. Sheez the english dub really sux ass

Oh by the way i got the acception to college today :D, got in the one i thought i would, my second choice ^_^ and im the 77:th reserve for the first choice XD hahhaa well it's in Uppsala either way so the room im gonna rent is good ^_^


AA!! But it's on light XD

Friday, July 14, 2006


Yaaay finally friday and another workweek is over! Four weeks to go then -_-. Hehehe i fixed the apartment for my studies now ^^. Had to have the umm what to call the acception to the college before i could give interests to the apartments but i did it before and then i got a room there and they wanted me to send them the acception to college. Well i still havent got the acception yet so i was worried over that for some days and called them yesterday. They said it was okay if i sent it later. Phew! It was a lot about not being able to look for rooms there for six months if i turned it down and that i absolutely had to be accepted to the college first and balblala.

Hehe that room is good, an own bathroom ^_^ that's all that matters ;P

I'm improving on my dancepad :P. I did AA:s yesterday mahaha, i so rock wahahhaa.

Tomorrow im gonna meet up with the girls ^_^. Some of them couldnt make it <.<. I wanted everyone to gather up tomorrow -_-. But we'll have a good time, those of us who'll be there anyways ^^

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Take the quiz:
What kind of eyes do you have? (with pictures)

You have turquoise eyes. Turquoise is the color of communication. Your eyes symbolize your intuitive nature. You can be over-analytical sometimes, possibly fussy and egocentric. You have the tendency to push your heart out of the way and let logic make your decisions. You are not shy, but you can be secretive, closed, confused about what you want, and maybe a bit sneaky and paranoid at times. Some words to describe you: cool, refreshing, imaginative, motivated, dynamitic, calm, peaceful, joyful, relaxed, truthful, healing, meditation, tranquility, forgiving, patient, sleepy, and day-dreamer.

Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Final Fantasy VII - Advent Children - Those who fight

HAhaha look at his fingers! Awesome!

Monday, July 10, 2006

my hands :(

my hands hurt :( have to cut chicken with scissor and pull fillet :( for hours... :'(

Just five more weeks

Oh and i got an email saying that i have a room in Uppsala now. Havent got the answer if i got in that college yet XD but i have a room hahaha.........

Friday, July 07, 2006

Doing request XD

3 names I go by:
1. Anna
2. Min-Wa
3. Bobbo

3 parts of my heritage:

1. Big nose
2. Temper
3. Ehm black hair? O_o

3 of my everyday essentials:
1. Food
2. Bread
3. Computer

3 things that I am wearing now:
1. Hairbraid
2. Pajamas
3. Earrings

3 of my fave musical artists now:
1. Shakira
2. Rihanna
3. Gwen Stefani

3 things you want in a relationship other than love:
1. Trust
2. Fun
3. Kindness

3 truths and 2 lies:
1. I like to have fun
2. I love good food
3. I like Charmaine Sheh

1. I hate my mum
2. I like when people look down on me

3 physical things about the opposite sex that attracts you?
1. Eyes
2. Hands
3. Tummy (oouh six pack ;P)

3 of your fave hobbies:
1. Gaming
2. Watching tv
3. Playing the piano

3 things that you want badly now:

1. Air conditioner
2. Money from all my work
3. Massage on my back

3 places you wanna go on vacation:
1. Japan
2. Hong Kong
3. Somewhere in Europe

3 things you want to try doing:
1. Jumping from a cliff without dying
2. Jump from a plain
3. Jump from a fastmoving train

3 people I would like to see taking this test:

1. Ferry-sama
2. Hitler
3. Britney Spears

3 things I look for in a potential boyfriend:
1. Loyalty
2. Trust
3. Kindness

3 things I may want to be in the future:
1. Succesful carreer woman
2. Happily married
3. Mother of two wonderful kids

hot outside!

Man it's really hot and sunny outside. I can feel the heat inside my house too -_-.
Finally it's friday and another work week is over, five to go.

Ah there's this cute little boy, ehm well the size is XD he might be 23 something, aaww he's so cute. Hm dunno if we're the same height. He's so tiny XD. He's so nice too, always comes and helpes me to do the heavier stuff XD, naaaww so kind ^_^.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

dance pad

tehe i got it two days ago and boy it was big. It stood there in my room when i got home from work. Weee my dance pad is here i said but i didnt play with it until yesterday. It was hard to get started it wouldnt work, I thought it would work without installing the keys in the game -_-. After a while i read through the games site where it stood about how to install a dance pad and managed to install the keys ^^.
So there i stood and ready to jump and play on it and boy was it hard :S. well im not really used to jump around in my house, it's kind of a small place to be jumping around in XD. It would be easier with a bar to hold in -_- but i hope i'll get better XD.

:( they are gonna get my piano this weekend... I should be playing a lot on it now, but i just dont feel like playing the piano. When i get home there's usually people watching tv or i just dont feel like playing so i dont. In fact, there's a small feeling that will be relieved to have it gone... Im gonna buy myself a piano when i finished studying, have a stabile job and a home. Maybe gonna buy myself a puppy then too but we'll see ^_^. That's loong away in the future though...

Monday, July 03, 2006


omg i hate those formen in my job, they are picking on us summerworkers it must be it! We were there on time and a guy there said that there was no work there so we had to go back and get the protecting clothes on and there this stupid formen came and asked us where we were suppose to work and we said and then he said next time im gonna write down your names and then he juste walked away... -_- omg they are soooo, im not even gonna mention it. Today they put up a sign that said overtime 30 minutes again and as usual i walked and signed my name under the ones that are not gonna work overtime. I cant work overtime, im driving to others, i cant just go over without asking them and we dont see eachother at work and they maybe have stuff they have to do after work so i have to sign under. Haha and some of us had to give explanations why we couldnt work over today, hahaha i got away from it ^_^, that was weird, i usually get the shit of everything XD

AAaah my dance pad i want my dance pad T_T