~Heaven and Soul~: Teachers dinner

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Teachers dinner

So i was at the teachers dinner yesterday that some in my class had arranged. I drove sandra, liv and becca there. And yes they are still living xD.

We got there early and stood there in the corner not knowing what to do. Those in my class went back and forward preparing for the dinner and there we stood like fools. Tried to look for something to help out with.
They've been complaining about us not doing anything and not helping out. I really hate those who just sit around and doing nothing and this time that person was myself. But it's not easy to help if we don't know what to do, they can't really blame us for that. They took responsibility for all those stuff all we can do is to help them when they tell us to. How could we have known what to do. And whenever they asked us to help, we have, so i don't really know why they are pissed of of us. That's not fair.

I really wanted to stay there and help up clean afterwards but it got late and starting to get dark outside, i'm not used to driving in the dark and especially not on big roads and small curvy ones, and thats why i had to leave early. Im sure they are pissed because we didnt help out clean. But if they complain im gonna say that. They really cant expect me to wait around til real late and risk me and my friends life driving in the dark.
And it seems like the teachers in my class are on their sides too, but that is just because they have given their opinions and we the quiet ones have blocked ours, they haven't been said.

I think it's very unfair of them yelling at us because we havent helped doing all those stuff that needed to be done. They took the responsibility for that and kept all the chores for themself. How could we have known what needed to be done. It's not like we like sitting around like lazy asses. We really wanted to help. And as soon as they have asked for help, we helped them.

Sorry this is really boring but i cant stop thinking about that, I dont want to be called lazy and unneeded and i certainly dont want this class to be all bitter on eachother when it's just a few more days til graduation.

The teacher in our class came to our corner at the dinnertable and asked which was doing the most work for this teachers dinner. Well the three of them i said and felt a bit awkward, (what is he blaming us for not doing anything?) i thought. Um we paid ehehe... He held a thank you speech for them and we applauded.

Hey i helped one of them get a summerjob does that count ehehehe... He'll get a lot of money, i hope he's not that mad at me, although he is more sarcastic to us, i mean more than usual...

Okay now for me to try to put that behind me, got home late last night and had to talk to fatima, she's ditching our cookietime :( oh well, graduation clothes are important :P. hah i didnt get much sleep last night, maybe one or two hours, maybe three if i was lucky. Couldnt sleep at all, had all this thoughts that wouldn't fade into dreams... And ofcourse i woke up early too.

Im so gonna party at my graduation day, im actually looking forward to it. Im not really the party type. Dont like late nights and socializing with alcohol. But im not gonna get drunk, that i want to avoid. The thing that im worried about is getting home safe, but sandra and her sister will walk we home i hope.

Oh and im gonna buy the tickets to gröna lund today :D. Wee this is really gonna happen, i thought it would be just something we said and not happen. Tehehe i've been really pushing and trying to persuade all the girls to go and i've succeeded in three of em xD. Haven't asked Denise though, but don't think she can go, she's julian to take care of.

Mah no more to ease my heart with so i say toodles ya'll noodles XD


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